Thursday, June 24, 2010

Yea!! My Parts Are In

My parts came in today, including my new sprocket. If you read my previous post, you will see why I needed it so badly.

This is who I ordered the parts from:

1 comment:

  1. Nick at Ohio Cycle is a Honda restorer's best friend. Terry and Carole at Retrobikes have saved me more than once, as have the folks at Rusty Riders.
    I'm enjoying this blog and being along on your journey; I'm on the same trip myself. I could use a expert at my side- you're lucky your husband is there to help when you need it! My wife simply rolls her eyes and tries to appear interested when I share my MC woes with her. You seem to have a naturally better grasp of mechanics than I do anyhow, so I'm certain I'll learn a lot by following your blog.
    One last- I recognize all the parts in the above photo save one: what it that strap in the upper right hand corner?
    Good luck, happy wrenching, and please keep posting!
    If you'd like to read my blog, it's at
